Every productive company relies on machines and equipment to carry the production process. It is nearly impossible now to meet the demands of the market without these engineering marvels. However, these complex machines need intensive care and regular inspection to lead such robust manufacturing schedule. A factory commonly goes with difficulty at the time when equipment breakdown. One way to minimize the possibilities of any breakdown within company is to implement Total Productive Maintenance TPM program for the equipment at every level.

What is TPM?

Basically, Total Productive Maintenance or TPM is a mechanism that applies to machine to ensure its function to full potential and decrease breakdowns. It aims to eradicate every waste or loss resulting in a big profit to the company. There are two assets of production in any organization, employees and machines. TPM focuses to create harmony between both for optimum result.

Myths about TPM

TPM has been around the industry for over two decades yet it is not very well known. Many of the organizations have several myths about TPM which is surely a hurdle in between their success. Let us discuss about such myths.

·       TPM is not all about operator equipment maintenance

In Total Productive Maintenance, we aim to take care of the equipment and maintain it for proper usage. But it’s not all about an operator regularly checking the machines and equipment. There are some other big tasks to commit such as training development of workers to repair equipment, solid maintenance practices and equipment improvements in which one has to regularly update the tools.

One champion is enough

This system has a concept of TPM champion. In this there is specific person within organization, which has inherited skills to run the organization within the scope of TPM. It can make teams and command them to according to values of TPM but he is certainly not enough to do a change on vast scale. There must be team work and good coalition. We need to appoint champions at every level for example floor maintenance champion who will be responsible for every task on the floor rather than a single champion.

Loads of Workshops and theories is capable of change

Certainly not for sure, TPM is a long process which holds various tools. Different workshops and theories at a time could create confusion. It is important to have strategies and planning for executing TPM. One should proceed step by step rather than simultaneously applying the complete process.

TPM ensures the quality and quantity of the end product. Fewer breakdowns means the quantity and high end performance of machines means good quality products. It is such a wondrous system which can completely turn around the fate of your organization