According to the latest of WHO about Asthma, it is found that around 235 million of people in the world are suffering from this acute chronic disease Asthma. The numbers are shocking yet increasing every day.  If a person is continuously experiencing difficulty in breathing or hear a prominent whistling or wheezing sound in every breathe then he/she may have Asthma. This disease causes inflammation and narrowing of the air passage. The situation becomes more severe when the sufferer gets exposed to some sensitive situation which could change their regular breathing patterns.

Basically, asthma can be divided in to two different categories. The first category of Asthma is allergic, in which asthmatic attack triggers through allergens like animal dander, pollens of trees, dust particles and mold. Also, some specific odour or smoke in the air could also trigger asthma.

The other category of Asthma is non-allergic. In this asthmatic attack trigger by stress, some exercises, cold flu or by extreme climatic condition such as cold, wet or windy weather.

·       Causes and symptoms of Asthma

Other than allergic and non allergic causes, there are few more reasons of Asthma. One of them is emotional breakdown. In every emotion, shouting, laughing, crying, and anger, the breathing pattern is different. These emotions could act as asthmatic trigger along with depression, which is also a prominent cause.

Symptoms of Asthma are pretty much visible in every patient and could be identified in adults. But in children it is very hard to recognize the disease, as most symptoms are visible before they turn 5.

Here are some of the common symptoms n adult and children

Ø Coughing- It is the earliest sign of Asthma. It is most severe in night and in early morning.
Ø Wheezing or whistling sound can be heard while breathing.
Ø Chest conjunction is also experienced by most of the sufferer.
Ø Shortness of breath is the trademark of Asthma. A person suffering from asthma get short of breathe rapidly.

Beside the causes and symptoms there are various facts related to Asthma. By knowing this one could easily prevent it.

1.    One of the most unknown facts about asthma is that it prevalence higher in children than adults. Children get the disease at very early age mostly in between 2 to 5.

2.    Females are more vulnerable to this disease as compare to women. The main cause behind this is stress and mental stability.

3.    Asthmatic attack decrease when the patient avoids substances and conditions which can trigger the attack. This is the best way to deal with the disease.

4.    The death caused by Asthma is very high. One should never ignore its symptoms; however it can’t be cured but can be controlled and managed through proper Asthma treatment.

5.    Every country has large number of asthma patients but the people living in polluted country are more likely to have the disease than others.